Housing Resource Library

Our Resource Library includes culturally rooted resources developed by or identified by the STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center to support Tribes, Tribal programs, and advocates working to address the intersection of housing instability/homeless and gender-based violence, as well as other materials and publications from partners and others in community with us. Resources that are the work of STTARS and shared in this library may be repurposed or reproduced as long as the work is appropriately cited.

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Housing Resources

Website Resource

Website | From the NAIHC, view "Pathways Home: A Native Homeownership Guide for Homebuyers Resources" to find lists of resources and educational topics to assist Native homebuyers. Read More ››


Victims/ Survivors of domestic and sexual violence and trafficking face significant barriers and challenges in finding safe, available, accessible, and affordable housing... Read More ››


In recent years, the number of homeless elders is rapidly increasing. High rates of inflation, rising rents, the housing industry, real estate markets and COVID have all contributed to this increase. Read More ››


After years of grassroots advocacy to raise awareness and provide support for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian women impacted by the intersection of gender-based violence and... Read More ››

Website Resource

Website | Pathways Home: A Native Homeownership Guide for Homebuyers Resources Read More ››

Website Resource

Website | Indian Housing Management Resources


The newly established Tribal Safe Housing Center was created to address the intersection of housing instability/homelessness and domestic violence. Read More ››


A guide to give to women and children staying in your shelter. 32 pages/booklet. Booklets are sold and shipped in bundles of 10.

Price: $40 + $15 for shipping.


Resource Tool

Shelter & Other Safe Space Info Packet

Resource Tool

Communal living situations are always hard, and introducing service animals into the mix can create more complications, conflicts and confusion. Read More ››