Housing Resource Library

Our Resource Library includes culturally rooted resources developed by or identified by the STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center to support Tribes, Tribal programs, and advocates working to address the intersection of housing instability/homeless and gender-based violence, as well as other materials and publications from partners and others in community with us. Resources that are the work of STTARS and shared in this library may be repurposed or reproduced as long as the work is appropriately cited.

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Housing Resources

Resource Tool

The Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) is the primary federal statute governing the development, operation, and maintenance of housing in Tribal communities. This document highlights its purpose and need for reauthorization.  Read More ››

Fact Sheet

From Administration for Children and Families, a fact sheet of resources to help you find, maintain, and pay for housing in your community. Read More ››

Resource Tool

The STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center prioritizes safe housing and shelter for Indigenous survivors of gender-based violence. This document provides general statistics, practical responses and best practices in regards housing and MMIWG, along with a list of helpful resources. Read More ››


Gender Based Violence: Best Practices and Policy Recommendations from the Voices of Survivors Read More ››


Gender Based Violence: An Overview for Tribes and TDHEs Read More ››

Website Resource

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) page at hud.gov: https://www.hud.gov/vawa Read More ››


This slide deck has helpful resources that address challenges that Indigenous Survivors in shelter and public housing experience when seeking safety. Read More ››


2023 National Week of Action for MMIW, Presented by STTARS, Indigenous Safe Housing Center

Housing as a Mitigating Factor in MMIW


Domestic and sexual violence (DSV) can have significant effects on one’s health and well-being, including increased risks related to trauma and substance use. Read More ››


Indigenous youth find themselves on the streets for a multitude of reasons. The causes and consequences of life on the street usually include a troubled family life, domestic violence, physical and sexual abuse, trauma, inadequate housing, poverty, substance use, mental health issues, and involvement in the child welfare system. Read More ››