Recorded Trainings

Explore past virtual trainings on violence against Native women, hosted by NIWRC. These recorded sessions provide valuable insights and resources for advocates, service providers, and community members working to end violence in Indigenous communities. New recordings are added regularly, so be sure to check back often. To access past webinars, visit our Resource Library.

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Peer-to-Peer Training: A Virtual Peer-Led Primer on Responding to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives

In September 2021, NIWRC partnered with the Puyallup Tribe to host a virtual peer-to-peer training focused on responding to the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives (MMIR). This training provided a space for advocates, service providers, and community members to share knowledge, strategies, and resources to support grassroots efforts in addressing MMIR cases.


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Specialty Institute June 2022: Addressing the Spectrum of Housing for Victims/Survivors of DV, Sexual Violence ,and Trafficking in Tribal Communities

In June 2022, NIWRC hosted a virtual Specialty Institute focused on the critical need for safe and stable housing for survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and trafficking in Tribal communities. This training explored the unique challenges Indigenous survivors face in accessing housing and highlighted culturally responsive solutions to support their safety and healing.


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