National Partners
Esparanza United (formerly Casa de Esperanca: The National Latin@ Network)

Esperanza United mobilizes Latinas and Latin@ communities to end gender-based violence. Formerly Casa de Esperanza, Esperanza United was founded in 1982 by a small group of persevering Latinas as an emergency shelter in St. Paul, Minnesota. Using an expansive definition of latindad, we continue to ground our work in community strengths and wisdom, recognizing and valuing how our community contains people of many races, genders, sexualities, nationalities, native languages, and immigration statuses. Our Latina Advocacy Framework provides the foundation on how best to support Latin@ survivors, families, and communities gain greater safety, connectedness, and self-sufficiency. Nationally, we are immersed in the provision of training and technical assistance, policy advocacy, and research and evaluation practices, grounded in the lived realities of Latin@s.