NativeLove Multimedia

NativeLove on Dr. Phil with Voices from the Field

NativeLove participates with Voices from the Field on Dr. Phil’s When Georgia Smiles A Day to Connect, Inspire and Heal Domestic Violence Summit 2014.

NativeLove Is by Billy Mills, UNITY Conference

NativeLove team member Princella RedCorn interview Billy Mills on what NativeLove means to him at the UNITY conference in Oklahoma City.

NativeLove Youth Ambassador Interviews Miss Indian World

Stay tuned to NativeLove Facebook page for updates from our youth ambassador Kristen Butcher (Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Nation).

Native Youth Voices-NativeLove at Northern Paiute Powwow

Native Youth Voices at Northern Paiute Powwow and Lacrosse Tournament #NativeLoveIs #NativeDVAM

#NativeLoveIs Videos

In a joint project of the Indian Law Resource Center (, the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center ( and Buffalo Nickel Creative ( produced videos to define Native love. The project focuses on raising awareness about violence against Native women and empowering Native people to speak out about traditional cultural values that honor and respect Native women.

#NativeLoveIs Videos

#‎NativeLoveIs Respect

“The corn itself represents a woman-they give life, produce life and they’re able to sustain and to feed a whole family…Women should be appreciated, honored and loved as such.”
- Justin Secakuku (Hopi)

Justin Secakuku is a member of the Hopi Tribe of Arizona and lives in the village of Shugopavi. Justin shares the Hopi view of white corn, known as the corn mother, and likens it to the value of women in Native communities to give and produce life.

#‎NativeLoveIs Humility

“The reason why we’re here, the reason why I’m able to sit on this campus is someone died for me. Somebody prayed for me. Somebody cried for me. Somebody struggled for me. Teaching that to somebody, knowing what kind of responsibility they have living up for those sacrifices, can change your perspective on life.”
- Jalisa Ross (Creek/Cherokee/Otoe-Missouri) Miss Oklahoma City University.

Jalisa Ross is a senior majoring in political science at Oklahoma City University, where she is the reigning Miss Indian OCU.

Statistics Used:

  • Native women are victims of violent crimes 2.5 times the national average. (U.S. Justice Department)
  • Arrests occur in only 13% of sexual assaults reported by Native women. (U.S. Justice Department)


#‎NativeLoveIs Community

“Native Love is love that is shown by what you do not just what you say. For example, food is a very big part of our culture so one way that we show that we love each other is that we eat together and we feed each other.” - Jessica Black (Gwich’In)

Alaska is home to 229 federally recognized tribes. Of those tribes operating within some 200 rural Alaska Native villages, only 78 are served by local state law enforcement.

Statistics used:

  • Native women in Alaska suffer the highest rates of sexual assault in the United States.
  • Alaska Native woman is sexually assaulted every 18 hours.


#‎NativeLoveIs Compassion

“My message to men on how respect Native women would be treat women how you would want your daughters to be treated.”
‑ Raelyn Rodriguez (Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians)

Statistics used:

  • Today, 64% of American Indian women are victims of domestic violence