Wyanet Tasker

Wyanet Tasker, Lumbee & Eastern Band of Cherokee, Safe Housing Alliance’s Director of Partnerships and Community Engagement, has been working alongside survivors of trauma since 2005 after graduating from Colorado College with a major in Neuroscience. She has direct service experience in a residential treatment facility, a school setting, disabilities case management, shelter services, and a housing program. She has been providing tribally and culturally specific training and Technical Assistance (TA) since 2015 through Red Wind Consulting, with a focus on special survivor populations, such as children/youth, male, Two Spirit/LGBT+, and survivors with disabilities. She has authored multiple products, including Creating a Safe Space to Grow: A Guide for Tribal Child and Youth Advocacy. She has facilitated multidisciplinary team trainings with advocates, batterer intervention staff, law enforcement, child protection, and supervised visitation providers. While providing STOP (Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors) Comprehensive TA through the Alliance of Local Service Organizations (ALSO), she managed an intensive TA project which focused on addressing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) in the state of Wisconsin. The project involved coordinating with grassroots organizers, other states’ MMIW Task Forces, tribal coalitions, and the Wisconsin Office of Crime Victim Services.