It is important to understand the connection between domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual violence and the high incidence of missing and murdered Indigenous women and relatives (MMIWR) in the United States. The crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women and relatives is not new. It is more than an epidemic—rather, it is part of the spectrum of violence experienced by Native women for centuries. This crisis of MMIWR has deep roots in colonization and genocide and can be attributed to the lack of legal protections as a result of the systematic erosion of Tribal sovereignty stretching back more than 500 years.
Current federal Indian law is often referred to as a maze of injustice. Ongoing intrusion into the sovereign authority of Indian nations has resulted in perpetrators facing little, if any, consequences for their crimes, while Tribes are unable to protect their people and create safe communities The high rates of violence and murder of Native women and the lack of accountability for such crimes are clearly tied to the erosion of Tribal authority. Today, this crisis continues due to limited prosecutions of perpetrators and the high rate of case declinations by United States Attorneys in crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and murder in Indian country.
For Native Hawaiian women, the rates of violence against Native women are reflected in the overthrow of the Native Hawaiian monarchy. In 1993, the U.S. apologized, recognizing the long-range economic and social changes that have been devastating to the population and the health and well-being of Native Hawaiians.
In response to the crisis of MMIWR, a groundswell of grassroots advocates, family members, and tribal leaders from across the nation continue to call for public attention and accountability by federal authorities to address these crimes.