Tribal Coalitions
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women

The Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women (CSVANW) is a member driven organization where its network of membership is engaged, every day, as a united force across New Mexico… all of whom are working cohesively towards stopping violence against Native Women and children in our tribal communities.
As a Resource Center to tribal domestic violence and sexual assault programs, shelters and first responders, CSVANW focuses on four areas of service: support, technical assistance, training and policy advocacy. The four overarching goals of CSVANW are to:
- Serve as a powerful tribal coalition that cultivates strategic relationships to increase member capacity and represents the collective needs of New Mexico’s tribes and Pueblos in the fields of domestic violence and sexual assault.
- Establish and support inclusive, strong, visionary, creative, knowledgeable, responsive, diverse and accountable leadership throughout the organization. From the members, to the Board of Directors, to the CSVANW staff to our community partners.
- Increase awareness and leverage our collective ability to proactively address and respond to issues related to domestic violence and sexual assault in our NM tribal communities.
- Create a relevant and effective organizational model that supports high quality sustainable programs and advocacy efforts.