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Advocacy Information Packet

This Advocacy Information Packet is a collection of articles, booklets, and handouts covering a range of topics about advocacy with emphasis on work with survivors of intimate partner violence. These materials offer information that is critical to clarifying and strengthening the role of advocates and their work to end violence against women and other survivors. The goal is to create a basic understanding of the role of advocates, the nature of advocacy, and some key issues integral to effective advocacy. These materials can be helpful for new advocate orientation, in-services, cross-training, and public education events.
Some topics such as legal advocacy, sex trafficking, children’s issues, and policy work are important aspects of advocacy that are not included in this particular packet to avoid creating an overwhelming book versus a fairly comprehensive starting place. Please see the NIWRC’s Resource Library, which offers a range of articles, booklets, and other advocacy materials, including special collections and webinars with toolkits on additional topics. If you have questions, suggestions, or possible additions to this Advocacy Information Packet or the Resource Library, please reach out through our Contact Us page.
We hope you find the materials in this packet and all of our other resources helpful in your advocacy to end violence against Native women and communities. Together, we can create the change needed to reclaim our traditional lifestyles based on spirituality, compassion, and respect.
Related Resources
NIWRC’s Advocacy Curriculum is also available for use by Tribal and Native domestic violence programs to provide basic training for new advocates. Sections of the Advocacy Curriculum can be adapted for use in other educational initiatives facilitated within your local community.
(Note: This resource is subject to change.)