Domestic Violence and Disabilities
We know that American Indian/Alaska Native women experience some of the highest rates for domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, sex trafficking, homicide at the hands of an intimate partner, and missing & murdered. Women with disabilities are of double risk for violence and abuse. This webinar will offer data on American Indian/Alaska Native disabilities in equal access, fair accommodations, and an opportunity to make powerful contributions to provide accessible, safe, and effective services to individuals with disabilities and Deaf individuals who are victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.
Presenter: Cleveland J. Doxater (CJ) is from the Oneida Tribe, employed by End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin as the Tribal and Aging Outreach Director
CJ has worked in the domestic violence and elder abuse field for over 40 years. Facilitating Alternative to Violence groups (for tribal and non-tribal, men and women), supervising the Oneida Tribal Domestic Violence Program which included advocacy for women, children and men’s programming and coordinating the Oneida Elder Abuse Program. Then Cj worked as the CCR Coordinator/Trainer for American Indians Against Abuse (AIAA) in WI. Where he helped develop tribal CCR’s and training as requested. Next as the WCADV representative to the DRW, WCADV, WCASA Collaborative Project, Cj has participated in developing programming and workgroups to address violence against people with disabilities within all communities. Cj has also been a trainer for Department of Justice, Office of Justice Assistance and has been trained at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. He has served on the Oneida Sex Offender Management Committee, on the board of directors for American Indians Against Abuse, WCADV and the American Indian Center. Additionally, he has served and/or serves on the advisory/steering committees for the National Clearinghouse on Abuse In Later Life, and the Wisconsin Trauma Informed Care Initiative. He has also been a peer reviewer for the STOP Violence Against Indian Women Grants and the Abuse In Later Life Grants.
CJ is “He Picks Up The Snow” Adopted by the Wolf Clan, Born to the Bear Clan Oneida Nation of the Iroquois Confederacy and a Hunka of the Cante Ohitaka Tiospaye.