Domestic Violence Safety Issues When Meth is Present
Methamphetamine has been identified as one of the largest threats to public safety in Indian Country. Tribal sources have attributed it to higher rates of domestic violence, assaults, burglaries, and child abuse and neglect on reservations and in tribal communities. 74% of tribal police forces rank meth as the greatest drug threat to their communities; 40-50% of violent crime cases investigated by the FBI in Indian country involve meth in some capacity; and 64% of tribal police indicate an increase in domestic violence and assault/battery. The complex nature of criminal jurisdiction on Indian reservations, along with historically under funded and understaffed health care, treatment facilities and law enforcement have resulted in major challenges for tribes to address this problem. Please join this important webinar panel presentation to learn more about meth; its’ impact on domestic violence programs and shelters; what larger environmental and public safety concerns come into play; and what tribes are doing to meet this challenge. Facilitated by Gwendolyn Packard, Training & Technical Assistance Specialist, NIWRC; Walter Lamar, President, Lamar Associates; and Lorene Thomas, DV/SA Director, Otokahe Teca Tipi