Amy Donnan, MA, Licensed Psychologist

Amy is an advocate for children, and has provided training or presentations for the Cherokee Nation Head Start, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe foster care and Head Start, Minnesota Indian Education Association, Minnesota Association for Education of Young Children, Zero to Three, White Earth, Indian Health Service Trauma Conference, and more. She is the creator of healing tools and toys for children and adults, and can modify information she has gathered through her 20 years of experience working with children and families, as well as three years of specialty training and infant and early childhood development and mentoring from the San Francisco Trauma Research Center and others. Some topics available include: Fun with Feelings (how to help children express who they are and have fun learning to manage and master emotion); Nurturing the Spirit: Beyond Behavior Management -- focuses on how important understanding attachment and a child's experience is to providing interventions, support and healing; Body Mapping: understanding our emotional patterns imbedded in our body/mind (for adults), and Boost Your Mood with Food -- a tasty and fun topic about building brain chemistry with food. Amy is also available for consultation to educators and professionals, visualization sessions for personal support, and tailoring some of her materials and toys for your organization and needs. Contact her at or 218-547-6317.