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Communications Tech Bundle

Operating an organization can be difficult in these unprecedented times. Having a predetermined practice for transitioning to virtual space will ensure that there will be no lost time or communication between people within your organization. With this in mind, we have compiled three different IT Bundles that can assist you and your organization with your transition towards a more flexible work environment. 

This Communications technology bundle includes internal communication, external communication, and project management applications. These applications have been vetted by NIWRC for accessibility, ease of use, and ease of integration into current workflows. In a time when online communication has taken a forefront we know choosing applications that work best for your organization is a priority.

Internal Communication:

  • Verbal or written communication between two or more individuals in the same organization. This could include chatting over the video calls, online chat, virtual calling and more.

External Communication:

  • Any communication that takes place between two or more people from different organizations.

Project Management:

  • The tracking of an organization’s projects and tasks.

Digital etiquette is simply the standards of communicating politely in a digital environment.

NIWRC suggests some of these guidelines when constructing an organization-wide digital communication standard.​​​​​​

  1. Tone can be difficult to convey via text. When in doubt, choose words that convey a cordial, professional demeanor. 
  2. Remember that anything you post on an application or online may be archived, and so should be considered both public and permanent. 
  3. Remember that others are as busy as you are. If your organization utilizes some sort of calendar system, honor this. If a co-worker is out or busy, respect their time.
  4.  Remember that while it is nice to see everyone’s faces over video-conferencing, computer fatigue is very much a real thing. If you are constantly interacting over video calls it is ok for your employees to take a break from on-screen facetime.
  5. Utilize your out of office! It may seem small, but setting your working hours on whichever schedule system your organization uses can be very helpful. It not only lets people know when you are available, but also when you absolutely are not. Keeping work hour boundaries can be beneficial to employee burnout, especially if working from home or hybrid.

Google Workspace Disclaimer

Different programs of the Google productivity suite known as Google Workspace will appear commonly in these tech bundles. This is because it is a multipurpose technology solution.

These applications are useful for many different purposes when using a hybrid or home-based work plan. Google suite offers a variety of different packages depending on the size of your business. Here is a Google Workspace document with more information.


Below are NIWRC’s suggested communication applications. Many of the applications can be used singularly or integrated together to provide an optimal working environment.


*Information below was pulled from

An online video meeting platform.

*Below information is pulled from the Zoom website.


Communicate with your entire team, outside collaborators, or other organizations. Zoom has broken down their services into three categories; Zoom one, Zoom Spaces and Zoom Events.


Zoom one

Everything you need to work together, all in one place.

Zoom Spaces

Innovative video solutions for every meeting space.

Zoom Events

Solutions to host impactful virtual and hybrid experiences.

Virtual Meetings

Connect virtually from anywhere with Zoom Meetings

Conference Room Systems

Bring meeting spaces online with Zoom Rooms

Online Webinars

Broadcast at scale with Zoom Webinars

Team Chat

Collaborate together with Zoom Team Chat

Connected Conference Rooms

Conference Room Connector links existing rooms to Zoom

Event Platform

Host hybrid and virtual events with Zoom Events

VoIP Phone System

Call the world with Zoom Phone


Innovative solutions for every space

Community Events

Host and attend classes, group events, and more OnZoom

Online Whiteboard

Create and brainstorm with Zoom Whiteboard


Conversation Intelligence

Rich conversation analytics to improve sales


Zoom Pricing plan

Zoom is broken into multiple different price plans. Within these plans you are able to select the price points that work best for you.

See the pricing details here.

How to Download/Set up

Zoom has a download center, click here to visit. You can see more information on the following options for download.

*Below information is pulled from the Zoom website.




Links to download


Zoom Desktop Client

Phone, Meetings, Chat, Whiteboard and more for your desktop.


The web browser client will download automatically when you start or join your first Zoom meeting, and is also available for manual download here.



Version 5.12.3 (11845)

Or, for Macs with Apple Silicon chips, click here to download


Microsoft Outlook Add-in

The Zoom add-in for Outlook on the web installs on the Microsoft Outlook side bar to enable you to start or schedule a meeting with one-click.



or, download Zoom Plugin for Microsoft Outlook (Version


Zoom Extension for Browsers

The Zoom Extension for Browsers allows you to start or schedule your Zoom meeting with a single click from your browser or within Google calendar.

Download in Chrome webstore here


Download in Firefox add-ons here


Zoom Mobile Apps

Start, join and schedule meetings; send group text, images and push-to-talk messages on mobile devices.

Download on the Apple store here


Download on Google Play here


Zoom Rooms for Conference Room

Install the Zoom Rooms (Mac) application to setup your conference room for one-touch meeting and calendar integration.



 Version 5.12.2 (1820)


Controllers for Zoom Rooms

Install the Controller software to the iPad, Android or Windows Tablet used to control Zoom Room meetings in your conference room.

Download on Google Play

Download in Microsoft


Download on the Apple Store



Helpful links

*Links are pulled from the zoom website

Joining a Zoom meeting: 

This article covers:


Instructional Video:

NIWRC has put together a short instructional video highlighting the various features that this application has in terms of Communications.



*Information below was pulled from

Slack is a business messaging application that can be used on both desktop and mobile. It aims to connect people to the information they need within their organization by bringing people together in one uniform workspace. 


Slack Pricing plan

Slack allows an organization to pay by the month or the year, and has a flexible cancelation policy.

Slack is broken into three different price plans; Pro, Business Plus, and Enterprise Grid. See the pricing details here.


Working in Slack

Slack allows you to stay connected in a flexible and inclusive way.





Allows you to stay connected with those inside and outside of your organization. Allowing you to collaborate with your team and other teams, as you would in person. Slack uses a dedicated work space called “channels” to stay connected, use various channels to organize your communication.

Click to learn more about collaborations, messaging, external partners, and channels.

Allows you to work with your employees and their schedule/timezone. No matter the location, time zone, or function you can access work when it is organized in channels. You get to access the information in your own time. This allows fluid communication, questions, or followups without the need for coordinating schedules.

Click to learn more about organizing channels and accessing the information you may need.

Keep things shareable, slack allows everyone in an organization to have access to the same information within a channel. This allows for easier decisions and collaboration.

Click to learn more about shared and searchable information. 


Helpful Links

*Links are pulled straight from the slack website


Learning Tools

Link to slack download page here


Instructional Video:

NIWRC has put together a short instructional video highlighting the various features that this application has in terms of Communications.


Google Meet

*Information below was pulled from

Schedule video conferences or video calling to connect with either a group or an individual person. Video conferencing for any size organization is accessible and easy to set up.


Google Workplace Pricing plan

Google Meet is included in the Google Workspace, if you already have a registered Google Workspace account sign in here.

If not, Google Workspace is broken into four different price plans; Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, and Enterprise.

See the pricing details here.


Google Meet Features 

Unlimited number of meetings

If using the no-cost version of Google Meet, up to 100 participants can be invited. See above pricing for paid version. Click here to learn how to add or remove participants from a video meeting. 

Live captioning during meetings

Google Meet offers live closed captions during meetings. This is powered by Google's speech recognition software. Click here to learn more about turning on closed captions. (Currently only available in English).

Compatible across devices

Google Meet is accessible  from any desktop/laptop, Android or Iphone/Ipad. Click here to learn how to join from the various devices.

Video and audio preview screen

Once you have a google meeting link, you can adjust your camera settings and microphone prior to entering the meeting. You will also have a sneak peek at who is in the meeting prior to joining. Click here to learn more about camera and microphone adjustments. 

Adjustable layouts and screen settings

Google meet will automatically follow the conversation and layout based on the most active content/participants in the meeting. Click here to learn more about switching the layout. 

Controls for meeting hosts

As the meeting host you can easily pin, mute, or remove participants during the meeting. You can not unmute a person however, for privacy reasons. Click here to learn more about controls for hosts.

Screen sharing with participants

Google Meet allows you to share your screen or application with those in the meeting. Click here to learn more. Click here for 10 tips to improve your Meet presentations.

Messaging with participants

Live message with participants during a google meet, share messages, files, links and more. However, the messages will disappear once the meeting is over. Click here to learn more about sending a chat during a meeting.

Integration with Google and Microsoft Office apps

With the integration of Google Workspace applications, you are able to join or create a meeting directly from your Gmail or Calendar. Similarly, if sending an invite to Microsoft Office users, it will show up on their microsoft calendar. Click to learn more about Google Meet and Gmail or Calendar integration.

Microsoft Office users can be added to an invite and see meetings on their Microsoft® Outlook® calendar.


Learning Tools

Here is a PDF that Google has put together on information about working from home using Google Meet. 

Instructional Video:

NIWRC has put together a short instructional video highlighting the various features that this application has in terms of Communications.

Google Calendar

*Information below was pulled from 

Google suite is a great way for teams of all sizes to stay connected and collaborate. Google Calendar is an application within the Google Workspace sphere. It is a great way to collaborate and compare meeting times and schedules. 


Google Workplace Pricing plan

Google Calendar is included in the Google Workspace, if you already have a registered Google Workspace account sign in here.

If not Google Workspace is broken into four different price plans; Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, and Enterprise. See the pricing details here.


Features of Google Calendar

A smarter way to schedule

Layer multiple calendars in a single view, making it easy to organize various activities. Share calendars with others in order to share due dates, meeting times, and more.

Stay on top of your plans

When emailed about a booking such as a webinar, flight, or reservation google calendar will sync with Gmail in order to automatically add it to your calendar.

See how you spend your time

Integrated time insights are able to analyze your calendar and let you know how you spend your time and who you spend it with.

*Premium feature

Make time for others

Appointment Schedules allow you to share your availability via a booking page, so external stakeholders, clients, and partners can book time with you.

*Premium feature

Working location

Choose where you will be working from and share that with your team. Set your working hours and let individuals know whether you will be working in office or from home.

Learning Tools

Here is the Google help center, specifically for Google Calendar.

Instructional Video:

NIWRC has put together a short instructional video highlighting the various features that this application has in terms of Communications.


*Information below was pulled from

Around provides a unique video call option with an intent to help hybrid or remote teams collaborate and create.

Around Pricing plan

Around is broken into three different price plans; Free, Pro, and Business.

See the pricing details here.


Around Features

Dedicated workspace

Around allows you to create dedicated “rooms” which allows you to have curated spaces for each of your teams, as well as the opportunity for different teams to meet in separate rooms at the same time. There is a 50 person maximum allowed for each call in any given room. 

Connection and Collaboration

Around is designed to make your team feel included and even more connected than before. With their specific echo prevention audio technology no one sounds far away or disconnected. This makes it easy to collaborate with your teammates in person without having to mute while in the same space.

Guests are free

When working with outside organizations, Around lets you add “guests” or external participants can be let in for no additional cost. Guests will have all of the same features as the pro plan minus starting a new meeting or having recording capabilities.

Around on your phone

Around is accessible on laptop, desktop, and mobile. Take your meeting on the go, easily switch from your desktop application to your mobile device by picking up the call on the desired application. 

Around Filters

Filter your video camera for a twist on your meeting.

Around in meeting games

Take a break within your team and play one of their in applications games to take a break or loosen the vibe of a meeting. 

Around and meeting vibes

Around offers a number of in meeting “vibes” allowing you to add music, connect your systems audio like spotify or apple music, or choose from their list of music. Use this to create a central work space or focus area.

Around and Integration

Around integrates with various applications like slack and google calendar. You are also able to start a timer, raise everyones hand in numerical order, use and share GIFs or Emoji’s, share a file, change the meeting view, start a chat, share your screen or record. 

After meeting recap

Around will send you an after meeting recap allowing you to see all files and chats that were shared as well as any significant meeting moments. 


Minimum requirements to downloading Around:


Requires MacOS Mojave or later


Requires Windows 10


Requires modern Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat, Arch Linux, openSUSE

Web Application 

(Not a download but compatibility)

For the web app, they support Google Chrome and the latest versions of Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.


Instructional Video:

NIWRC has put together a short instructional video highlighting the various features that this application has in terms of Communications.

Google Sheets

*Information below was pulled from

Google Sheets is an application within the Google Workspace sphere. It is a flexible program for collecting and comparing information.

Google Workplace Pricing plan

Google Sheets is included in the Google Workspace, if you already have a registered Google Workspace account sign in here.

If not Google Workspace is broken into four different price plans; Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, and Enterprise.

See the pricing details here.


Features of Google Sheets - As a Project Management Tool

Collaborate on data, from anywhere

Create online spreadsheets that are saved across the google drive network. Easily share and collaborate with real-time editing, comments, and the ability to assign action items to specific employees. This allows you to create and share project timelines or spreadsheets company wide.

Seamlessly Connect to other google apps

Sheets has many integrations with other Google programs. Embed sheets within your Google docs, Slides and more. You can also reply to comments and mentions on sheets directly from your Gmail.

Project Management Templates

Create simple templates for project timelines, plans, trackers and more. Can create a gantt chart to track project progress, dates, task duration and more.

Learning Tools

Here is the Google help center, specifically for Google sheets.

Instructional Video:

NIWRC has put together a short instructional video highlighting the various features that this application has in terms of Communications.


*Information below was pulled from

Asana is a project management tool that aims to focus on what is important. Organizing work and allowing seamless collaboration.

Asana Pricing plan

Asana is broken into three different price plans; Basic, Premium, Business.

See the pricing details here.


Features of Asana

Manage Workflows

Break up your projects into subtasks and assign your team members to specific tasks. These projects can be grouped within projects, and the projects can be grouped by team. 

Task creation

Asana allows you to create a line of subtasks within your original project task. Break down deliverables into manageable subtasks. Add descriptions, files, comments, and assign each task to a specific team member(s). 

Task View

Asana allows you to see your tasks in a view that works for you. You can individually change the view of the workspace without changing it for others. Look at your tasks in list, timeline, or board format. 

Automate workflow

Automate things such as assigning tasks, due dates, and other things. 

Create reports

Streamline a report based on the activity within your asana projects. 

Integrate tools with Asana

Asana allows the integration of various tools and applications. They have up to 200 integration options including (but not limited to) Google, slack, dropbox, Jira Cloud and more. 


Get started Easily

Start with a Template

See Asana in Action

Chat with the Sales Team

Start with pre-built templates for various uses such as marketing, operations, design and more.


See list of templates here.

Question on how Asana works or is set up? Asana offers a library of demo videos.


See list of demo videos here.

Asana will allow you to chat with their sales team prior to committing in order to answer any questions or concerns.


Connect with sales here.

Learning Tools

The Asana Support center has a long list of resources you can look through, find them here

Instructional Video:

NIWRC has put together a short instructional video highlighting the various features that this application has in terms of Communications.


*Information below was pulled from

Airtable is a powerful application that allows you to customize tables and bases to fit your organization and teams needs. Airtable can be used to organize projects, create workflows, automate sections of processes, and more. One benefit to Airtable is its extensive list of demo and educational videos highlighting how best to use their platform.

Airtable Pricing plan

Airtable is broken into four different price plans; Free, Plus, Pro, Business Plus, and Enterprise. See the pricing details here.

Features of Airtable 

Unite data and workflow

Airtable offers a unique application that connects every part of your work. Sync real time data from anywhere, automatically.

Create different views 

Airtable allows you to change the view of table customized to each individual user. Create a public or private viewing table and make it easier for each team member to follow the information needed most for their workflow. 

Create automations

Create a simple or in-depth automation to help your workflow. Reduce some of the manual work by implementing automation, not sure how? Airtable offers an extensive list of demo videos found here.

Create an Interface

Airtable allows you to create a custom interface for your data table, allowing you to share things like project snapshots with individuals outside of your team without having to share the entire base view.

Share Data

Collaborate with a shared view of the base, when it comes to project management add/edit tasks in real time. Chat or leave comments on a specific project in the project history section. Import data for tasks from other platforms, 


Airtable provides a long list of fully customizable templates for a variety of different projects, such as social media content calendars, marketing calendars, project trackers, applicant tracker, event planning and more. Check out Airtables list of templates here. 


Airtable offers both in house and external extensions that work with a variety of different applications to provide an easy and reliable workflow. Some popular ones include Slack, Google Workforce, Hootsuite and more. See Airtables list of extensions here


Airtable has an extensive educational database to provide an understanding of how your team can work most efficiently within the airtable application. Airtable’s education center can be found here, and its  team solutions can be found here.


Learning Tools

Airtable Universe education has a long list of information on how your organization can incorporate airtable into your workflow, find this here. The Airtable support center has various resources at hand, you can view those here.

Instructional Video:

NIWRC has put together a short instructional video highlighting the various features that this application has in terms of Communications.


Recommended Equipment

NIWRC suggests investing in the following equipment to create a streamline of communication both internally and externally. 

Suggested Equipment Use Explanation
Desktop or Laptop A workplace desktop or laptop is essential for virtual work, be it entirely remote, or a hybrid schedule.

If you are having your staff travel back and forth from a physical location, it is suggested to either have a desktop setup both in office and at home, or to provide an easily portable laptop.

For staff that are fully remote but typically only work for one location, either a singular desktop or laptop can be used.
Web camera A web camera is essential for virtual meetings. While some of the applications suggested above prioritize audio communication, a visual connection can greatly enhance trust and collaboration.

We suggest either ensuring that employee laptops have a web camera built in, or that a USB web camera is purchased to connect to staffs’ computers.

Another thing to consider is that web cameras can act as an accessibility aid for those who need to read lips or who communicate via sign language.
Microphone A microphone required to verbally communicate. Like the webcam, a microphone may already be integrated into an employee’s laptop. If not, we suggest purchasing a compatible USB microphone or, USB webcam/microphone combination.
Speakers A sound system is required in order to hear others virtually. Almost all laptops have speakers built in that are of varying quality. If no speakers are built into the device, independent speakers with either a USB or audio jack can be purchased.


To Request More Information

If you have read through this best practices guide and video tutorials and would like further assistance on how to use, download, and set-up these applications, NIWRC offers technical support. You are able to send your technical support requests by submitting a request form found here: Tech Bundle TA