
DOJ OVW Tribal Consultation Reports 2009-2019

VAWA 2005 requires DOJ, HHS, and DOI to consult with Indian tribes on an annual basis. This interaction on a nation-to-nation basis has allowed tribal governments and the United States to discuss matters that at the broadest level impact the safety of Indian women, and to propose strategies to address these issues. The report from the 2016 consultation is available here. We hope that you will join our webinar to review outstanding or emerging issues to address the most serious roadblocks to the safety of Native women and how you can voice your concerns and provide recommendations to increase accountability and enhance the safety for Native women.

Tribal Title, Section 903 Tribal Consultation Mandate
The Tribal Consultation Mandate is found in Title IX. Safety for Indian Women §903. It specifically directs the Attorney General, Secretary of HHA and Secretary of Interior to conduct an annual consultation with Indian tribal governments concerning the federal administration of tribal funds and programs established under the Violence Against Women Act. During such consultations, DOJ, HHS, and DOI are required to solicit recommendations from Indian tribes concerning three specific areas:
(1) Administering tribal funds and programs
(2) Enhancing the safety of Indian women from domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking
(3) Strengthening the federal response to such violent crimes

Associated Links: 
Annual Government-to-Government Violence Against Women Tribal Consultation website
Department of Justice’s annual Tribal Consultation on Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women