
The Minnesota Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force

The Minnesota Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force

The Minnesota Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force (MN-HTTF) was established by state legislation (MN Statute §299A.79) in 2006. During this time, the Task Force successfully brought together stakeholders from across the state to address human trafficking. The Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force has been instrumental in enacting strong legislation over the past few years to give law enforcement and prosecutors clearer guidance and stronger tools for addressing the problem of human trafficking. (For further information see the Human Trafficking in Minnesota [2006-2010] reports on the Department of Public Safety’s website: )

The 2006 legislation establishing the Task Force sunset in 2011. At that time, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Sexual Violence Prevention Program assumed responsibility for coordinating and convening the Task Force. A steering committee consisting of 12 Task Force members was established to provide strategic leadership and planning of the Task Force’s quarterly meetings. Task Force membership has expanded from 60 to over 300, statewide.

The purpose of the Minnesota Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force is to end human trafficking and other forms of sexual exploitation in Minnesota through a coordinated, multidisciplinary, statewide response. The MN-HTTF is comprised of governmental and non-governmental agencies, is an important resource for those working on human trafficking issues, and is an integral component to the No Wrong Door Model ( which is a model for serving sexually exploited youth. For more information, including information on quarterly meetings, contact: Amy Kenzie, MN Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force Coordinator, MN Department of Health,, 651-201-5410, or Marissa Raguet,, 651-201-5424.