
Reconnecting with Native Teachings and Creating Healing Spaces with and for 2S+/LGBTQ+ Victim-Survivors of Domestic Violence - A Toolkit for Family and Friends

cover of toolkit, graphic of 3 people

The Toolkit for Family and Friends: Reconnecting with Native Teachings and Creating Healing Spaces with and for 2S+/LGBTQ+ Victim-Survivors of Domestic Violence provides information and strategies to support families and friends to reconnect with their teachings, including borrowing or creating new teachings, and to improve their capacity to support their 2S+/LGBTQ+ family and friends who are survivors of domestic violence or sexual violence or abuse. 2S+/LGBTQ+ peoples are individuals who identify as two-spirit, additional gender identities and sexual orientations, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning. Family members can take active roles within their immediate family and larger community spaces to protect, reduce isolation, assist with safety planning, support survivors, and avoid victim-blaming. Having families and friends who are loving, understanding, respectful, and accepting is the best healing and safety net for 2S+/LGBTQ+ survivors.

We thank our 2S+/LGBTQ+ Toolkit Advisory Committee for assistance with development of our toolkit. Artwork created by Neebin Southall ( Cover collaboratively created by Neebin Southall and Zinaida Carroll, NIWRC.

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