
Data Use Tech Clinic - Check In, Tech Up Series

Managing operations for your tribal domestic violence program and/or shelter can be difficult, especially when the unexpected can occur. Having systems, practices and protections in place will help organizationally with growth, management, and to mitigate loss of time, data and services. This series of “Check In, Tech Up Clinics” demonstrates innovative and best practices for grantees to use to address challenges you face with grant reporting, data protection and collection to ensure the safety and confidentiality of survivors, protect the integrity of your work and simplify data collection and reporting requirements. With this in mind, NIWRC is offering three different Tech Clinics to assist in building your organization’s capacity and strengthening your digital practices. Following a brief introduction to technology updates, NIWRC “techsperts” will be on hand to respond to all your tech needs and questions and provide one on one support.

Data Use Technology
The session will focus on Data Use Technology, including data storage, data sharing, and data security applications. All applications presented have been vetted by NIWRC for accessibility, ease of use, and ease of integration into current workflows. In a time when online communication has taken a forefront, we know understanding and choosing applications that work best for your organization is priority.

Learn more about our ARP Data Use Tech Bundle technical assistance.