Resource Library

Our Resource Library includes culturally-grounded resources developed by NIWRC to support tribes, tribal programs, and advocates working on issues of violence against Native women, as well as other materials and publications from outside sources. NIWRC-produced resources may be repurposed or reproduced as long as NIWRC is cited as the source.

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  Annual Consultation Prep Webinar - November 18, 201 Read More ››

In 2014, the Quebec Native Women’s association was granted a small amount of money from the Quebec Ministry of… Read More ››

This video describes the findings of a National Institute of Justice (NIJ) supported study on the prevalence of… Read More ››

2016 Excellence in Journalism Conference (EIJ16) Session Information: Covering Domestic Violence Against Native… Read More ››

The Department of Justice’s annual Tribal Consultation on Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women… Read More ››

While advocacy on the domestic level is vital, violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women also has… Read More ››

In recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 15, 2016, NIWRC is pleased to present this webinar. Read More ››