Resource Library

Our Resource Library includes culturally-grounded resources developed by NIWRC to support tribes, tribal programs, and advocates working on issues of violence against Native women, as well as other materials and publications from outside sources. NIWRC-produced resources may be repurposed or reproduced as long as NIWRC is cited as the source.

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Book: "Safety for Native Women: VAWA and American Indian Tribes". A resource to increase the awareness of the VAWA… Read More ››

VAWA 2005 requires the DOJ, HHS, and DOI to engage in formal consultation with Indian tribes on an annual basis to… Read More ››

This is the Third Edition of Pathways Home: A Native Homeownership Guide, which was developed by the National… Read More ››

This is an optional form that you may provide your housing provider if you are seeking VAWA protections from your… Read More ››

This is a form that can be used to request an emergency transfer. This form explains the requirements for qualifying… Read More ››

Danielle Chiaramonte, Kathryn A.V. Clements, Gabriela Lopez-Zeron; Oyesola Oluwafunmilayo Ayeni; Adam M. Farero;… Read More ››

A summary of questions/scenarios presented to the HUD Multifamily Office of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight… Read More ››