Resource Library

Our Resource Library includes culturally-grounded resources developed by NIWRC to support tribes, tribal programs, and advocates working on issues of violence against Native women, as well as other materials and publications from outside sources. NIWRC-produced resources may be repurposed or reproduced as long as NIWRC is cited as the source.

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The purpose of this initial U.S. Attorney's Office Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Report is to provide… Read More ››

In a year when a global pandemic has impacted every aspect of daily life, it became critical that those who need us… Read More ››

View NIWRC's list of recommended books and publications authored by Indigenous women.  Read More ››

This webinar panel raises the voices, expertise and leadership of Indigenous Two Spirit and LGBTQ youth to provide a… Read More ››

Indigenous people account for less than 3% of the population in Wyoming. Read More ››

The Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives, also known as Operation… Read More ››

Written by Brianna Theobald. Coercive sterilization of Indigenous women at Crow Agency, and the activism of… Read More ››