Regina Faridnia

Regina is a member of the United Houma Nation (Louisiana). She participates in local tribal activities in California where she resides currently and works with BIPOC community. Regina is a resource around Middle Eastern culture (spouse is Persian), First/Second Responders, addiction (over 20 yrs experience), complex/developmental trauma, Historical/Intergenerational/Soul Wound Trauma as well as adoption (all members of the triad). She has been part of POC coalitions within a County organization and collaboratively planning BIPOC cultural events. She has presented Nationally regarding the overlaps and parallels between Native/Indigenous tradition and Brainspotting. She also has cofacilitated a sexual abuse talking circle for a local native agency, supervises BIPOC ASW's and works with Native families around MMIW issues through Sovereign Bodies Institute. Regina is a Brainspotting trainer/consultant, EMDR certified, Mindfulness/Mind Body Medicine trained & a Somatic Experiencing Practioner (SEP). She utilizes a strength based, culturally sensitive/informed approach. She has been in private practice (Indigena Counseling & Wellness Center) since 2010 and is currently completing a PhD in Natural/Integrative Medicine.