Tribal Coalitions
Healing Native Hearts Coalition

Healing Native Hearts Coalition (HNHC) is a nonprofit domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA) coalition serving the Tribes and Native DV/SA nonprofits in Interior Alaska. HNHC was formed in February of 2016, with the hopes of assisting the Interior Alaska Tribes with Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Sex Trafficking, and Stalking. We serve 37 Interior Alaska Native villages and also partner with various Tribal entities.
The main focus of HNHC is to equip Tribes with the knowledge and training to effect change within their communities. Healing Native Hearts Coalition provides customized technical assistance in understanding applicable State and Federal law and how it applies to P.L. 280 Tribes, DV and SA law and policy, DV and SA judicial training, and culturally appropriate response training. The belief is that our Tribal communities can find solutions with the right tools.