New Mexico Healthy Masculinities Toolkit

About This Toolkit
The Healthy Masculinities Toolkit is a collection of readings, workshops, and exercises aimed at helping audiences reimagine masculinities, raise awareness about the concept of healthy masculinities, and provide skills and resources that promote self-awareness, healthy relationships, and thriving communities. It is designed to act as a guide for facilitators to frame and engage in conversations and activities around healthy masculinities. It is important to note that this toolkit is a living document, co-created and co-authored by many people in a community of practice. We welcome feedback and intend to update the toolkit periodically in response to community input and wisdom. Feedback can be submitted at While we use “healthy” and “toxic” as a way to express the nuances and multiplicities of masculinity, we acknowledge that the perfectly “healthy masculine” person does not exist, nor does a completely “toxic masculine” person. We are all complicated, and each of us can hold and express multiple identities. We are all in a process of learning and unlearning these behaviors and norms. This toolkit offers us the opportunity to become more aware of our conditioned behaviors in order to disrupt the harmful impacts of patriarchy. The toolkit is intended to help catalyze, facilitate, and continue conversations about healthy masculinities. We know that it may take generations to truly heal from the harms of patriarchy. This toolkit is not framed to heal individual or collective trauma; however, it may lead to transformations and understandings that contribute to such healing.