OVW Tribal Consultation on Violence Against Women Webinar

The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC), the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), and the Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center (AKNWRC) will host a webinar to summarize key national concerns and emerging issues for Tribal leaders and representatives to consider in advance of the 18th Annual Government-to-Government Violence Against Women Tribal Consultation. Read More ››

Protecting Our Women

Colonizing governments understood that to establish their control over Native nations, they had to work to eradicate tribal values that honored women and prohibited violence against women. Read More ››

Restoring the Integrity and Status of Women as Sacred: An Advocate Panel Discussion

This webinar provides an opportunity to challenge each other to think about how colonized thinking, and subsequent internalized oppression impacts us as advocates.

How can our Indigenous beliefs inform our advocacy? What does it mean to re-Indigenize our relationships with survivors and the way we do advocacy? This conversation will help us examine if our practices are consistent with our Indigenous beliefs and lifeways, and how to make positive change. This supports our work restoring the Read More ››