Housing Resource Library

Our Resource Library includes culturally rooted resources developed by or identified by the STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center to support Tribes, Tribal programs, and advocates working to address the intersection of housing instability/homeless and gender-based violence, as well as other materials and publications from partners and others in community with us. Resources that are the work of STTARS and shared in this library may be repurposed or reproduced as long as the work is appropriately cited.

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Housing Resources


Join us for a webinar that explores the challenges faced by Two-Spirit survivors of gender-based violence at the intersection of the Covid-19 pandemic and housing insecurity. In this session, our speaker will delve into the multifaceted impacts of these overlapping crises and discuss strategies for supporting and advocating for the Two-Spirit community. They will offer practical insights, shared lived experiences, and explore culturally responsive solutions to address systemic barriers. Read More ››

Resource Tool

Understanding the Connections Between Sexual Violence and Housing in Indigenous Communities slide deck. Read More ››

Fact Sheet

The STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center have put together a factsheet on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA 1996) and it's relationship with Tribal Governments.  Read More ››

Fact Sheet

Created with non-federal funding in 2023, STTARS put together a fact sheet on what the right to water means.  Read More ››

Fact Sheet

Using non-federal funding in 2023, the STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center created a fact sheet on Indigenous Peoples and the right to water. Read More ››


This webinar will introduce CARE (Connect, Acknowledge, Respond, Evaluate), Ohio’s evidence-based framework developed by the Ohio Domestic Violence Network and The Ohio State University. CARE is a brain injury aware, trauma-informed approach focusing on accessibility and accommodations with practical, hands-on, free tools, strategies, and resources to support your work. Read More ››

Resource Tool

Every year, the National Low Income Housing Coalition publishes the Advocates’ Guide to educate advocates of all kinds about the programs and policies that make housing affordable to low-income people across America.  Read More ››


Practice Informed Policy Recommendations Based on Work with Our Unhoused Relatives Read More ››

Resource Tool

American Indian or Indigenous Homelessness Annotated Bibliography 11/11/21 Read More ››


The STTARS Toolkit for DVAM 2023 and Social Media Guide. Read More ››