Housing Resource Library

Our Resource Library includes culturally rooted resources developed by or identified by the STTARS Indigenous Safe Housing Center to support Tribes, Tribal programs, and advocates working to address the intersection of housing instability/homeless and gender-based violence, as well as other materials and publications from partners and others in community with us. Resources that are the work of STTARS and shared in this library may be repurposed or reproduced as long as the work is appropriately cited.

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Housing Resources


This is a form that can be used to request an emergency transfer. This form explains the requirements for qualifying for an emergency transfer. Read More ››

Resource Tool

This is a compiled list of Indian Housing Management resources created by the National American Indian Housing Council.  Read More ››


This is an optional form that you may provide your housing provider if you are seeking VAWA protections from your housing provider. This form also provides for alternate 3rd party documentation. Read More ››


This is a model plan for Emergency Transfers under VAWA. This plan addresses eligibility, documentation, confidentiality, timing and availability; and safety and security of tenants. Read More ››


This is a sample form that can be used as a "Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act".  Read More ››


A summary of questions/scenarios presented to the HUD Multifamily Office of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight regarding the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Final Rule and Notice H 2017-05. Read More ››


Danielle Chiaramonte, Kathryn A.V. Clements, Gabriela Lopez-Zeron; Oyesola Oluwafunmilayo Ayeni; Adam M. Farero; Wenjuan Ma; Cris M. Sullivan Read More ››

Website Resource

This is a slide deck that provides an overview of protections under VAWA in regards to housing. Read More ››


This provides guidance to Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) headquarters and field staff on assessing claims by DV victims of housing discrimination under the Fair Housing Act (FHAct) Read More ››