Resource Library

Our Resource Library includes culturally-grounded resources developed by NIWRC to support tribes, tribal programs, and advocates working on issues of violence against Native women, as well as other materials and publications from outside sources. NIWRC-produced resources may be repurposed or reproduced as long as NIWRC is cited as the source.

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10 copies of the LGBT2S+ Toolkit and 10 copies of the LGBT2S+ Summary. $30 for the bundle, $6.50 for shipping and… Read More ››

This notice provides guidance to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and owners on the requirements of the


This document provides an overview of HUD's programs. Information on Indian housing programs begins on page 79. Read More ››

This notice provides guidance to owners and management agents (O/As) of HUD multifamily assisted housing on the… Read More ››

Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2013- Implementation in HUD Housing Programs Read More ››

Expert Panel on Homelessness among American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians Read More ››