Resource Library

Our Resource Library includes culturally-grounded resources developed by NIWRC to support tribes, tribal programs, and advocates working on issues of violence against Native women, as well as other materials and publications from outside sources. NIWRC-produced resources may be repurposed or reproduced as long as NIWRC is cited as the source.

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STTARS DVAM Toolkit for HUD ONAP, Tribal Housing Entities and Tribally Designated Housing Entities Read More ››

On August 16, 2022, HUD issued a Dear Tribal Leader Letter regarding implementation of the


Why have American families struggled to keep their homes during the COVID pandemic, despite a federal ban on… Read More ››

Watch a variety of events from this 2-day HUD ONAP… Read More ››

C4 Innovations - CES Racial Equity Analysis of Assessment Data: October 2019 Read More ››

Invisible Intersectionality in Measuring Vulnerability Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness – critically… Read More ››

Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is nationally recognized annually in October. Preparation for DVAM often… Read More ››