The Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center’s 2024 Annual Unity Meeting

By Rick A. Haskins-Garcia, Esq, Co-Director of Law & Policy and Manager of Training and Technical Assistance, Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center

AKNWRC’s Annual Unity Meeting Is Changing Dates!

The Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center’s (AKNWRC) annual Unity Meeting serves as a platform for Alaska Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and Organizational partners to connect and share about the important work being done across the state, to discuss and highlight policy priorities, and to identify opportunities for collaboration and strengthening partnerships moving forward. The Unity Meeting helps to foster connection, collaboration, and empowerment by providing a dedicated space and time to discuss domestic violence, sexual assault, Tribal justice and public safety, and other 64 immediate priorities affecting our Alaska Native and American Indian survivors of gender-based violence and Alaska Tribes. 

AKNWRC’s Annual Unity Meeting “Save the Date” Flyer. / Graphic courtesy of AKNWRC.

This year, the AKNWRC will host its Annual Unity Meeting in December 2024, coinciding with the 34th Annual Alaska Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Providers Conference in Anchorage, Alaska. For additional information, please contact the AKNWRC at info@